Had a nice cruise to Gig Harbor from Seattle. Overcast at times but also some sun. We left Bell harbor around 10:30 am which was a little earlier than Alex wanted …..as on the other end of the cruise we hit Gig harbor at LOW tide and it was a minus 3 tide. Chart said depth would be iffy so we turned around to delay a bit. However, I texted Wayne and he said they went through at low tide and had 12 feet. Also talked to another Sailing vessel who went in before us and said it should be 8 feet. We got through no problem and anchored out.

Took dogs in for a walk where you can take left at base of marina and walk down road to small park at Gig Harbor entrance. Also At base of public dock (which was nice but we did not use) was a nice green space Skanse Park..home of Skanse Net house. there are several old net houses along the harbor edge. Many converted to businesses but this one has been restored to the point one can see the stored nets etc. inside where the hosts described the equipment and nets displayed.

That night we had a nice dinner at the Tides Tavern where we tied dinghy at their dock for easy entry/exit.

We had breakfast at Net house 9 on their back deck the following day as well.

The next day was the farmer’s market in the PM. So in the AM we walked the dogs up to the head of the bay and checked out some other net houses, Eddon boat park, Donkey Creek Park (good for ball), the harbor History Museum which had an old fishing boat from the original fishing village (the Shenandoah which was a working purse seiner until maybe the 60s ? then sank and was donated by the owner). The vessel is a permanent exhibit and is being restored and also the guys were working on an Atlas engine Alex was interested in.

While we visited there were several children experiencing a one room schoolhouse complete with school marms in costume. We walked around the tip of the bay and briefly checked out the Donkey Creek City Park at then Crescent Creek Park.

On the way back we went to the farmer’s market at the marina, got some cherries and had them all eaten by the end of the day!