July 21-23 (Patty Blogging)
Anacortes dentist, Drop off Vince and Pam’s truck, Albert and Jeanette pick up staying until 7/30 Monday.
Full day. Alex had 9:30am appointment in Anacortes. Jeanette and Al originally were going to meet us at Friday harbor but they found out the night before the Victoria clipper from Seattle to Friday was booked. So alternate plan created they were to take the shuttle from Seattle to Anacortes with as top in “La Conner” (stop was the shell station on the corner of HWY 20, 5 miles from marina). Alex went to dentist without me. Long visit to diagnose what was real problem and ultimately it was found wisdom tooth has gum recession with loss of enamel and that’s the pain. So yes Alex did have unnecessary root canal. Alex went to Waggoneers store and bought some maps then back to la Conner. We pumped out at La Conner. Shortly after Albert and Jeanette let us know they were 10 minutes from the Shell so we drove out to collect them. Then the boys decided to return the truck and ride back to La Conner. Jeanette and I walked up to town, did some stores, did the hill hike and checked out Pioneer Park.
That evening we had a one day pre B-day dinner at the thorn and thistle restaurant. Great night and dinner. I had the halibut again…. YUMWe toasted j’s b-day and decided we would celebrate all week long!July 22nd
Left La Conner late AM as I had suggested and Alex agreed that we would transit Deception pass. So we went south in the La Conner canal and through deception pass. Beautiful day and it was slack tide so no excitement.

Destination was MacKaye Harbor with plans to hike to Iceberg point. This was executed… anchored, deployed crab traps, took dogs to iceberg point. Guys caught 3 crabs (two Red one Dungeness) and put traps back in overnight.

As you can see below Holly is not stressing out during anchoring that’s for sure!

July 23rd
Mackaye Harbor to Friday harbor
Crab traps checked and collected: 2 more crabs so 5 ready for eating!

First night had boiled crabs with butter…pjs decided too much work cleaning crab, fortunately Jeanette likes to clean crab for future dinners ?
Had a nice cruise up San Juan Channel (I think) to Friday harbor where we anchored two nights. We got there fairly late and had a 3pm whale watch with Prince Rupert Whale Watch. We were overlapping with Wayne and Linda a day so had planned dinner but whale watch messed that up. Ended up doing whale watch (saw some whales yay!), had dinner at Hermosa’s then went to Tribute for a cocktail. Planned to provision the following day then take off.

The next AM we went to hardware store and grocery store, walked a bit in town.