July 26 and 27
Cruised from South Pender to Portland Island, went around the long way over top of North Pender Island which was a mistake as added 15 miles and against the currents so was frustrating for Alex.

Got to Portland and had exciting anchor. Alex had not finished dinghy harness for towing (lacked floats) and during exploration of anchor site in Princess cove one end came loos from cleat and we backed over dinghy line and off she floated ☹ A fellow boater rescued and returned to us and then we anchored furthest out from dock but very near two rock islands. Alex a little worried about proximity i.e. when we swing would we hit rocks awash (the next day we moved away 10 feet). Turned out to be nice being that far out as we watched seal and there pups nurse and the babes explore the kelp. Albert Was nice enough to dive in the cold water and remove the short piece of line from the Port prop.

No whale sightings even though good whale bait (babies). Later PM hike on east shore of Portland, glanced at Royal cove anchorage on north side of island then cut back across the island and back to boat.

Crabbing still going on…. Not sure what was for dinner
Next day we liked it so much we stayed. Moved boat away from rocks 10 feet and then kayaked (Al and J went east side for a bit then we went west side for a bit). Late afternoon we took the hike on the west side of the island shore to royal cove and then back. Had five crabs by that evening and we made crab cakes again…not as good 2nd time, Alex decided needs to follow recipe better and also to cut onions smaller. Another great day on J’s birthday week!