August 4th-6Th
Took dogs into do their business, stowed crab pots, hoisted dinghy and headed for Port Sidney. Have two nights at marina. Gary and Marcia fly in August 5th and staying to August 13th when they will fly out of chatterbox falls. Port Sidney Marina is top end with brand a couple brand new multi-million dollar Flemings boats for sale at the dock on the way in.
August 5th
One night in Sidney. Smallish town but all the amenities, great waterfront walk with sculptures and green grass. Short walk to close grocer or ride to further out groceries. We rode bikes and found an auto shop where Alex bought some filters for outboard. Stopped at hardware store and got some things needed and found a women barber who cut Alex’s hair. She was from Jamaica but had been inBC many years.
Also bought some general groceries on the bikes (Cranberry for Alex, some booze) but planned to do another shopping journey close to marina after Marcia and Gary Arrive.
Marica and Gary arrived late around 8:30 pm and made it to the boat with out us. SO good to see them. They had brought as requested 1) trash compactor bags and 2) oatmeal. Apparently oatmeal always sets off the airline sercurity guys to get looked at… so they had to open bag and then they would say “oh its oatmeal…that always happens”. They were tired form traveling so we all hit the hay so we could get an early start the next morning.