August 30th To September 1 st
Trip Length 20 nm
Another short rip and nice weather for the trip from Comox Harbour To Tribune Bay anchorage on Hornby Island. Hornby Island has a plethora of hiking trails about a mile away to the west of the anchorage we did not get too. We ended up doing the hike to the east of the anchorage in Helliwell Provincial Park that was one of our all time favorites. We also did mot make it too the Hornby Island Co-Op Ring Side Market but heard that it is well worth a visit.
Comox Harbour To Tribune Bay
The anchorage is huge, we ended anchoring out a ways from the crowd at the head along the cliffs along the east side ringed with hidden houses along the High Salal Public Trail. This trail is very cool along the water and the early part runs between houses on private land that the owners have given permission for public access. Very cool attitude for these land owners, wish more places where like this!
Tribune Bay Anchorage Beach At Head Of Anchorage Water Dog In Tribune Bay
High Salal Public Trail In Background
Helliwell Provencial Park On Way Out
We started the hike by beaching the dinghy at the head of the anchorage on the beach. We ended tying up to some rocks on the right side of beach since the beach has a very gradual slope so at low tide there is 40-50′ of beach your dinghy can get stranded on. We walked through the small Outdoor Education Center to the right of the beach to a trail going along Saint Johns Point Road and too a right on High Salal Drive.
Helliwell Provincial Park Hike Map
Tribune Bay Dinghy Beach High Salal Drive
About a half mile down High Salal Drive on the right is the first entrance to
High Salal Public Trail which runs behind the houses on the cliff. A little further down is another entrance where the trail moves to in front of the houses directly above the bay.
High Salal Public Trail
High Salal Public Trail
High Salal Public Trail
The view along the trail is spectacular. The trail merges with Helliwell Park Trail marked by some park signs when returning back from Helliwell.
Helliwell Park Trail End, High Salal Public Trail Start
Helliwell Park Trail
Once you get out towards Saint Johns Point it flattens out a bit with nice rocky beaches.
Helliwell Park
Leaving Tribune Bay