May 26th-27th Port Hardy to Fury Cove on Penrose Island
Trip Distance 53 nm

Predictwind had 5-10 knt SE winds predicted which is almost perfect for crossing Cape Caution but the West Sea Otter Bouy was reporting 5.5′ at 7 seconds.
Baraka Bashad Cape Caution Crossing
Left at 7am. First couple hours a bit bumpy but sun shining, 4-5 foot swells (Short periods made them bumpy) and averaged 8.5 knots at our good RPM for fuel. Nice easy crossing. No WHALES bummer… Baraka Bashad (sailboat with Vaughn and Rita), Grand QTR and Mana Kai all had the same destination and they left earlier than us from their port (Blunden harbor) and they were already anchored when we got there. We were invited to happy hour on Grand QTR at five thirty. About 2 hours later Baraka Bashad showed up. SInce this was a good weather day there was a large crowd of boats shown below with Water Dog (red boat in front) going around Cape Caution.

After we anchored I filled up a paddle board and did a quick paddle while Alex chilled and had a beer. Then we deployed dinghy and took dogs to shore where they swam and had fun. Did not anchor dinghy and tide took it out 10 yards from shore and Alex had to go get it so he went swimming ?

We attended the 5:30 happy hour on Grand QTR and then back to boat. Left over Avgo Lemino soup for dinner and to bed around 9:30PM I’d guess.
In addition to having lost local channels on DTV we lost
a good number of other channels due to location. Alex starting to worry our
smaller dish won’t work that well even when we switch spots …we shall see.
When talking to the gang about places to visit Ocean Falls is a must. August 1st
ie BC day they have a big BBQ and invite boaters. Also check out Codville cover
(Walk to a lake).
Not sure where we will go tomorrow: 500 miles to Juneau where we pick up friends around June 24th or so…4 weeks …so 20 stops ish?