June 13th to 15th
June 13th 40 nm

Left a bit late to catch ideal tide current but had some current the entire way. Easy passage to Petersburg. No rain but no sun either.

In Petersburg Harbor we ended up in a slip next to the Westerly which was getting ready to go out as a fish tender for the opening of salmon season. Nice guy’s and got some good fishing tips from them.

Walked 6 miles from marina to the sandy beach park on the muskeg boardwalk trails above town. Muskeg seems to be the Alaskan word for swamps. Walked back along sandy beach road and saw nice houses.

We then took a nice walk down south of marina along to Sons Of Norway Hall along shoreline board walk.

Then hooked a left around the back of the hall for a nice walk along a board walk road behind the hall.

Grand QTR invited us over for dinner which was pork tenderloin, grilled vegetables and I made grain mix from Trader Joes with peas. Nice dinner and company.
June 14th
Grand QTR left heading to Juneau as they have company coming. We planned 2-3 nights in Petersburg. 2nd night Mana Kai with Jeff and Darlene arrived and were on same dock. They invited us for happy hour and we had a nice time. Had a great breakfast at Salty Pantry, we highly recommend a stop there. Got a to go Cuban Sandwich so we did not need any dinner, looked to good to pass up!

Arranged to take La Conte Glacier boat tour with the same guy Claudette and Bob had gone for the 15th at 8:30 Am
June 15th
Glacier tour and Leave toward Juneau Duck Point just behind Cape Fanshaw between Whitney island and the cape.
So far the Glacier 4 hour tour with Alaska Passages Adventures (Captain Scott Harvey) was the highlight. Also for me also Pruth Bay, Klewnuggit, Petersburg…following those top ten Klemtu
Anyhow the cruise to La Conte Glacier in a 28′ aluminum boat with nice man was truly a lifetime experience. Weaving in and out of tiny medium to huge clear, turquoise or deep blue and /or dirty ICE BERGS ?
Would say that with so many berg bits large and small in the water, at least the day we went, I would not advise taking your larger boat up to this glacier.

Then arrived at the glacier…2 miles wide 200 feet or so high…crammed into a canyon and truly a moving river of ice 30 meters per DAY! Wonderful.

Got to glacier and watched ice swirl under waterfall. Obviously current. Scott explained this is because there is a BIG river with BIG water dumping into the bay under the glacier. We saw small and large calving and small and one HUGE shooter berg come up from the bottom.

He had video of a monster berg coming up which created a 20 foot wave he had to jump with his boat. Very very fun for ALL. We shared the excursion with new friends Darlene and Jeff who are very nice people.