We stopped in Sandy Bay, Egg Harbor, Merrifield Bay and Thorne Bay on our way back south from Sitka to Ketchican.

Left Sitka around 7:45am. High fog at first and for most of the Journey. Were aiming for cats head or tail cove but decided to stop at Sandy Bay which supposedly had a waterfall. Not a bad cruise but 6-7 foot seas and 20 kt winds from NW and very irregular waves from SW made the ride a bit lumpy.

Entering Sandy bay was easy since waves coming from north west and angle of bay opening was NE so just a bit of beam seas and got right in.

Searched for spot and picked deep anchorage in front of waterfall instead of up the arm to the river outflow.

Saw some otters and the next AM saw a grizzly grazing grass at one of the beaches. Had BLTs for dinner. At this site lost all satellite from DirectTv

August 7th Sandy Bay to Egg Harbor on Coronation island
Left 9:30 ish or later. When went to get dinghy up the davit failed. Davit motor starts by itself and wont stop after release buttons. BAD BAD NEWS as it may not be long til it fails completely. Got dinghy on board with a bunch of nonsense trying to get it right on the supports and with the davit issue. Headed out and FOG FOG FOG. At first ½ mile visibility and could see the coast a bit but then near Ommaney point turned got worse and worse. We approached Coronation island with radar only…no visibility of land at all. Fog is not much worry in open water but when going in to an unknown small harbor we get a bit nervous.

All of a sudden we came out of fog and were surrounded by the mountains (1400ft) at bay entrance. That was a relief but was stressful using only radar and charts to get into bay.

Anchored in the bite recommended by the SE Alaska book and it was rolly. Actually as remote this place is a sailboat had just anchored at head of the bay prior to our arrival.

Alex decided safest to launch little dinghy (which is used as an accessory storage shed for stuff ☹) in case we can’t bring it up with crane.
Then took dogs and us to the beach. Small dinghy very small for the four of us..unstable. Met the neighbors on the beach and chatted. Dogs swam a bit and played.

Cruised along shore on way back to see if we could see the supposed “trail” which is rough but goes up pin peak. Did not really find.
I had rubbed pork tenderloins the day before so we had pork tenderloins, grilled broccoli and rice for dinner. Watched part of a movie and went to bed.
August 8th Egg Harbor
Slept in. Took dogs in to shore by the caves on west side of Harbor and had a nice beach walk going through a few caves from beach to beach. Found an old pipe where we landed dinghy and alex went hand over foot up the ridge a bit. We had read can hike to pin peak so were wondering if this was the trail.

We put a plastic green jug marker we found on the beach as a marker in the tree to mark the spot where the pipe runs up the hill.

Later in day went to the head of bay beach and walked through the rain forest with old growth and a foot of moss covering it all. Very surreal. Lots of goat trails and poop but never found this supposed trail to Pin Peak.

Before going back to boat went to the east shore of the bay and walked across the isthmus to the other shore. Even though only 800-900 feet with all the downed logs and moss tough to get there.
Then we saw dead something on beach and dogs were too interested so just looked at other bay and headed back. More goat poop. We did see small footprints, likely martins since those are about here. The entire day fog was visible at mouth of bay. Had Pasta sauce for dinner and then too bed.
August 9th Egg harbor to Merrifield Bay
We started out going to Point Baker but when we got there we did not see a place on the dock for us. We ended up at Merriweather cove 1 mile east of Port Baker.

At Merrifield Bay we anchored in behind the net float used by fisherman for working on nets. With south winds forecast this turned out to be a nice calm place and stayed two comfortable nights at anchor.

Later that day we took dinghy to Point Baker. Had a couple drinks at the bar and the bar mistress, owner, harbor mistress mentioned we should have hailed her as we could have tied up at float plane dock. Oh well. We chatted with her a bit and then headed back to boat. No dogs on shore and its private land so that was a bummer.

August 10 and 11th
Point Baker to Thorne Bay
Two nights at Thorne bay. Got there late day and side tie at dock (Sunday).

Got a milkshake at the café and walked the waterfront.

Going inland we found the big log claw which they have turned into the city’s ornament. I guess due to size its not right down town. Ate in that night with plan to fish, walk and eat out at the café the next day.

Monday Alex took dinghy out to opening of bay (4 miles) to fish. I then kayaked out to him. Tried to tow kayak but it flipped so hauled it on board. Alex tried for halibut nada. On way back in since salmon jumping all around us we casted a bit for salmon. Nada. Got back and took dogs on the “heart health walk” which is a trail/old logging road up to a picnic shelter with a view. Good exercise for us and dogs. Road continued after the shelter and we walked a bit further.

August 12th Thorne Bay to Ketchikan
On this cruise saw a lot of seiners and some gill netters. Alex asked someone and it seems sometimes season opens Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. This was a Tuesday.

Plan to leave Alex in Ketchikan while I go visit mom. We had been before so knew to look for open moorage which would not be hot docking. We got a great site at end of float 7 bar harbor south across from the slip we had previously. We walked the north ½ of the Raindbird trail with dogs. Nice to stretch legs and another rainforest walk.
That night lots of seiner’s came in and filled our float seven all around us, some even rafting. Great we got here before them!
We had dinner at Annabelles…the old hotel with the old bar purchases by owner years back from an old san Francisco bar. Good blu cheese halibut for Alex and I had Caesar salad with Halibut
August 13th -23rd Ketchikan
We had one day together in Ketchikan. Planned to walk entire Rainbird Trail which runs across the top of town in a strip of woods. Got to Alava’s fish and chips right at opening and split an order. Family run and got to talk to them for a bit. Walked down historic “alley” then up to and northward on the Rainbird trail and back to boat.

On the 14th I had 5pm flight to visit mom. I took a taxi then airport ferry. Had Alaska airlines to seattle. Then delta Seattle to PBI. Overnight flight. Thought I might get sleep but nope. Arrived on the 15th and stayed til the 20th. Mom on hospice, weaker, not happy if not on drugs. So sad.
Ales worked on boat chores while I was gone.
August 20th I arrived back to RAIN! Ran to
catch 1:30 ferry then cab to the dock. Alex had been watching weather and this
was a big storm with wind so he had luckily asked and was allowed to move us
into the slip across from our side tie. The harbormaster helped him with lines.
That night a good blow but not as bad as alex had thought but it would be bad
to have been slammed against dock all night.
Aug 21st Wednesday. Another storm (bigger) was coming. Might have
been an ok day to cross Dixon entrance but alex decided to have us wait which
meant three days of waiting (til Saturday). That afternoon it cleared up so we
walked to the church campus with grass we had found an Adler park to play with
Thursday 22nd we decided to rent a car for the day. Went to Walmart and to get propane. Did not do any scenic drive or drive to other parks as RAIN!.
Friday 23rd we were in the big storm. Alex did some boat stuff. I wasted time and did do trampoline. Early in AM before care return we went to Walmart to get Brita filters and then to the Sweet Mermaid downtown for breakfast.