August 2, 3 and 4 Lagoon Cove Marina
Let Qwatsi around 9am or so. Sun starting to peak out. Cruised up Tribute Channel, very beautiful.

Saw two bears (one black and probably one brown).

Since sun came out we went all the way up Thompson sound to the river outlet. No bears seen. There is a dock which likely tour boats use and another dock with a 5th wheel (likely private) on land. Lots of wind hit when we turned around the back side of Sackville island. So if you could anchor (book describes it as sketchy) it might get windy but there is a dock for shore visits.
We did have a pod of white sided dolphins travel on our bow wave along the way.

On to Lagoon cove and arrived around 2pm. Went to the happy hour then deployed crab traps. People told us to go to carcroft channel north of the rock in the middle after you pass the fish farm at the entrance. Day two we just chilled: walked a bit, went fishing. Alex caught a salmon trolling we weren’t sure what the fishing limits are in this zone since forgot phone with BC fishing app to with so it was released. Once checked on phone it was a legal Chinook (King) salmon.

Got two crab and had dinner on the boat. Day three…busy..picked up crab traps (4 more big ones).

Tried trolling a bit more for salmon (rough out there, no bites). I was a good day fishing any way!

Dinghy cleaned and put up, washed dogs after they walked and swam, made happy hour, cooked and cleaned crab! Busy day. Leaving tomorrow

August 5th and 6th Sointula Harbor
Left Lagoon around 9:30am, nice easy cruise with a push up knight inlet. Saw two whales when crossed queen charlotte and then got a spot on the dock. Walked into town which is about a mile south of dock…cute, small. Some hiking on island. PJS wants to go to rubbing beach early am when it is advised to do so (calm and can see better if whales show up) but that may not happen. Staying two nights.

Settled in on outside of their guest dock which is at opening of the harbor so not super protected, we did have waklets/wind waves in afternoon but most boaters (lots of small fishing boats) were good going in and out. Met Keith on Arros a nice old woody boat and Rae Lynn was there too who we have seen a bunch (but did not talk to).
Walked to town which is small, got a shirt for me and hat for Calvin at the wild side gift shop. Town has a grocery, bakery, café, the gift shop, gas station and hardware store near the harbor. Free bikes at ferry station and the harbor to use.

Day two we rode in AM to the Bere Point park to check out the rubbing beach. Is a steep smooth pebble beach. Ride was slightly strenuous but that felt good. Campground looks nice (no potable water) but must be windy. Walked out the trail to the viewing platforms and no whales. A local commented that when you see lots of fisherman off the beach (which we did) that meant the whales were not there. She made a comment if you see the whales you might as well pick up your line and move.

We got back noonish. The harbormistress gave alex a ride to the gas station to get dinghy gas and we rode into and around town before getting groceries. Found a few small “gift shops” in peoples house as we rode about. Got back to boat and chilled for a bit. Decided to go to blind channel tomorrow if they will have us….will be a 60 mile day so long. They have a spot just maybe no electric. Alex made yummy yummy crab cakes for dinner which we had on salad. Good.
8/7/2022 Blind Channel Resort
Got off the dock at 6am which should get us the current/tide in Johnstone strait and have us arrive at blind channel around slack. We shall see. Not fog where we are (rough bay) but will see how it is in Queen Charlotte and Johnstone Strait.
Very foggy, had to use radar most of the way down johnstone strait but quiet and not a lot of boats. Started clearing up once we got later in day near Blind Channel.

Arrived at Blind Channel around 1:45pm. Our shared slip was empty YAY as the current was pushing us off the dock and we had some trouble getting the dog reigned in.
Settled in and then took the big cedar loop walk with a small addition of some of the forest loop.

The later got rough so we aborted to save terra troubles. She seemed tired the rest of evening but had swum twice as well as the hike. Dinner on board. Off to shoal bay tomorrow.
8/8 and 8/9/2022 Shoal Bay Dock
Left Blind channel 10:30 am ish with short cruise to Shoal Bay. Nice weather. When arrived not enough room on dock so we anchored close. Felt too close so was gonna move and then someone left dock. Remaining people on the moved their boats and made room so we got on the dock NICE! Chilled a bit then went to deploy prawn traps in Phillips are near a point just south of Fanny Bay (apparently trophy salmon fishing years back…john wayne fished). Trolled a little on the way back: nada. Salmon schooling and jumping in Shoal bay….more on that later.
I supped with Holly Dog and Terra had some short walks and dipps in the creek. Picked green beans to add to our dinner which was black bean soup. Staying two days.
Day two BUSY BUSY: out to fish at LW slack around 9:30 am. Trolled along denim bay north wall Nada. Then cruised Phillips arm to the head and no bears. A couple “structures: at head of bay. Used to be a logging camp so maybe left over. Picked up prawn traps (only 15 prawns) and then dropped them at opening of shoal bay where alex had caught 40 before. Alex napped and I casted into the schooling salmon and we caught one pink. Tried to pan fry it for dinner but was no good for eating. Will keep no more pink when we catch any.

Took the hike to Gold mine: 917 foot elevation gain so strenuous, nice look out 2/3 of the way up. Holly went terra didn’t: good choice.

Alex On Shoal Bay Trail To Gold Mine

Back to boat and alex picked up prawn traps NADA. He fileted fish and then we cleaned up and got ready to move. Alex cooked the salmon in fried pan: it was ok but not great..won’t keep again. What we learned Pinks and Chum (salmon that school) not good. Local guy said Chinoonk and king are solitary hunters …they are bigger and better 😊
I called Big Bay general store around 4:30pm to see how busy the dock was and the lady mentioned its been busy and most spots not reserved are taken! Reserved? I asked and she reserved us two nights tomorrow, we shall see how that works out. Plan is two nights Big Bay, two nights Toba Wilderness then heading south.
8/10 and 8/11/2022 Big Bay Dock
Left shoal bay to catch dent rapids at slack. Got through no problem. Had made he “reservation” for the dock so got a spot. At first at shore side of the outside D dock but got to move up when our neighhbor left. Pointed bow out to get solar. Day one in afternoon we walked over to the overfall park area and found some more trails.

On the way out we saw the no trespassing sign but we didn’t get bothered by anyone. We had walked there before and the harbormistress said it was ok if stayed on road. Spent two nice days.

Sign To View Point Down Gravel Road
Hiked across the island past eagle lake to Bassett bay to get a glimpse of Bute inlet.

We did go through Aaron rapids at slack to fish along the wall but caught nothing. Still had a good time again in big bay.
8/12 and 8/13 Toba Wilderness marina
Toba Wilderness Dock turned out to be one of our favorite stops due to the beautiful views and the great whale action.
Left Big bay to get through Yaculta rapids and be on the ebb…not sure we gained much current. Outside dock at Toba.

Place run by family and the owner Kyle said his 16 year old daughter (who left the day after we arrived with mom to go to college) had been there since she was 2 weeks old. Good docks, good get together area and 5k of hiking trails (old logging roads and go up and up and up). Alex prawned, I kayaked , dogs swam and walked. Fun had by all. Terra seems a little “Off”
We missed the memo about a happy hour on night two we think…just not that sociable all the time I guess.

We wanted to stay a third night but too busy. I wanted to try to dinghy up to brem river outlent to check for bears …oh well
We heard a whale blow evening one and went out in dinghy and got some nice sightings close by and he breached YAY!!! He was back the morning we left too.

In the morning a bear came by to forage for berries and stuff at low tide. He was right next to the covered area between the guys house and the dock base. Kyle let the tourists do some looking about but then chased it off. Later when I kayaked while alex was placing prawn traps (he got nada…6 prawns) was following shore after circling double island I heard some branches breaking and likely the same bear came down to forage. I got some good pictures and just hung out off shore from him in kayak.

We hiked to waterfall (with both dogs) then to the Toba view point with just holly. Strenuous uphill hikes.

8/14 and 8/15/2022 Squirrel Cove
Left Toba at check out 11am. PJS wanted to go down Homfrey channel to get the view so we did. It was pretty.

In Atwood bay saw a dock with board walk. I suspect its from the Klahoose lodge and is a grizzly tour dock. Not sure if we could of gone there to take our own tour….may look into it if we return. Went by Forbes bay where says you can anchor at river mouth and a sailboat was there. Nice green beach/flat area with a picnic area visible…not sure if that is private. Suspect would be ok going to shore at high tide but at low likely would be problematic. Decided to try Teakerne arm so passed by desolation sound marine provincial park and also roscoe bay. Teakerne arm was a zoo. We are too slow to anchor as we missed chance to anchor in 115feet in front of falls and fucked up a stern tie attempt (drifted off shore too much then ran over dinghy line but thankfully did not lose dinghy). Whales were in the bay and we missed a breach during all the commotion…. We were stressed and frustrated so bailed and went to squirrel cove. Took dogs in….were not sure if we would stay two nights but decided to. Will walk on shore

Discovered why terra seemed out of sorts: she had a ripped off toe nail on her good left rear left foot. It fell off after the morning out but must be causing lots of pain and will for a couple weeks I fear.
We stayed two nights. Went to store when we arrived and got a few things and walked dogs. Day two chilled, went for walk from the town to the Von Dopp trail …about a mile on the road and then just 1 km into the trail and back. SUPped in AM. Terra only got to go to rock shores, trying to protect her foot.
Talked to a guy “don” on the squirrel cove dock. He indicated the two docks I saw in atwood bay were illegal and he ties up to them if they are not busy. Also said there is another dock down the channel that is hard to see and he has tied up to that. Mentioned tying to log boom in Brem bay if not being worked.
8/16/2022 17, 18 and 10 Powell River
Did not stop on way to powell river, thought about lund and Copeland islands but pretty busy. Got a spot easily as arrived by 11am. I walked dogs while alex napped. Day two went to walk the Willingham beach trail but closed as they are redoing the sewer plant: BUMMER! Diverted to the Millenial park and did walked up along a canyon on McGuffie trail, crossed a bridge and down the other side on Mc Fall creek trail.

Nice temperate rainforest and creek for dogs to get into. Swam terra at boat ramp and beach before jumping onto trail. Trails not that long but add the nearly 2 miles to get to and from trail head made for good exercise. Day two rode bikes to get something at Napa and get some groceries at the freshco near the Walmart and hardware stores. Just walked dogs along the sea walk south of marina. Alex started trying to wax the beige part of boat but needed a compounding pad.
Had a run in with a guy on a sailboat called sand dollar. At night when alex walked the dogs he attacked alex verbally and then pushed him down. Very upsetting. Following am we reported to marina who encouraged us to report it to police which we did. Guy probably drunk. The police talked to the guy (said he was sorry and he would behave) and the marina made him move to the north part of the harbor (different ramp) since he was there to attend a high school reunion. Still very upsetting.

We just chilled after the trauma from the guy lessoned. Friday we walked millennial park again, rode bikes to napa again and got cash at a bank too (success at scotia after failure at 4 others in town). Thursday night had a market at marina which was cool (Almost got tie dye, did get flowers) and there was square dance by the coast guard station for a bit (fun to watch).
Friday evening was the Black Berry Festival. Seemed like less vendors than last time. Did get Bannock and some tacos from the nutracker ladies who run a gourmet store. Fireworks at 10pm…we should have gone to the beach but watched from boat: still fun.

Met some folks Derrick and Karen on a selene who stayed across from us: he was going to the reunion too.
8/20 and 21 Back Eddy Marina
Left Powell river about 7:45 am. Easy cruise: against wind and tide so slow. Got to Back eddy around 11am and dock empty, pulled in with current so was a little tricky but not too bad….remember to go into the current when dock! Got our prawn trap back and settled in. Gonna make crab enchiladas. Grand QTR and Mana Kai will arrive around noon tomorrow.
They arried at noon and I presented them with grab enchiladas. Plan was to leave on dinghy about 1pm to go to the Bathgate store and walk to the rapids. Plan executed, enjoyed by all.

We had dinner at the pub and then settled in for early wake up to go to princess louisa.
Amazing event was an pod of Orca’s came right inside the Back Eddy docks going after a school of fish!

8/22 and 8/23 Princess Louisa Inlet
Beautiful ride up the inlet, easy passage through Malibu Rapids.

Young life camp looks closed. Those guys got on the dock and we anchored. Alas our spot right in front of the waterfall was taken by a big boat called satisfaction. We checked out mooring balls which take 70 foot vessels but we lost satellite so went to the other side. Still nice views just not of the waterfall. We had a nice two night stay. Night one steak dinner on Grand QTR, night two Darlene brought her Costco lasagna hot and we provided garlic toast and salad, Claudette brought apps. Nice evenings.

8/24 and 25 Pender Harbor Hospital Bay Dock
We left to catch slack around 11:15am but we planned to and got there around 10:45am: was some current but not bad. Time to say good by again to grand QTR as they are going north and hanging near Campbell River to pick up there friends Pam and Ed. Sorry to have missed them up there. So we parted ways but Mana Kai came down to Pender with us and we all got on the Hospital Bay Dock. Darlene treated us to dinner (curry salad) and we settled in. Had whole next day so we walked to Lily lake, Bargain Harbour and back (barely 3 miles).

Lily Lake Trail
Checked out the lagoon by Dinghy and then went back out later for dinner at Mama’s Japanese Kitchen for sushi (They had been last week and loved it). Nice day, still warm so not much outside work on boat, forest walk was ok. Off to Gibsons’ tomorrow.

Lagoon Dinghy Trip
8/26 and 8/27 Gibsons Landing
Left around 9am. There is a bar entering howe sound if you go to gibsons between Gibsons and Keats island. At low tide says 7 feet and if there are waves might not be good and we’d have to circle around the island adding 8 extra miles. We shall see. 9am should get us to the bar around `1pm and low tide was 11:52 so we might have 7 feet plus 6 feet or so to cross. We will just check it out.
Ride started ok but when go to Welcome Passage the small storm coming through arrived so we did have moderately annoying chop (and splashes on the boat). Not the most pleasant ride but not as bad as last ride through here when not winds were 20 knots instead of 10 knots. Alex still complaining about hobby horsing and going against the wind and waves. Had to batten down kitchen and hatches.
At first D and J had not guaranteed slip at Gibsons but they secured one along the way. 11:56pm, just rounding the bend near Sechelt and not really fun ride.

Two days in Gibson. Mana Kai at Gibson marina which has maybe 4 sites for boats our size. Little public market near Gibson marina was nice. We were on the pier, north side. Lovely view but lots of wakes and very hard to get terra out due to 2 foot square bull rail. Dock peops found us steps and the step we had we spanned the dock to boat and it worked pretty well.

I grabbed some chowder from Smitty’s which was very good. Then I took a short hike in PM with D and J then we had some appetizers on water dog and then ate on our own. Jazz /folk type band on gazebo played music and it was nice.
Day two, met around 10am for walk to mt Daniel. We had lunch at the BBQ place: they said brisket great, Alex said pulled pork ok, I had sturgeon tacos GOOOD. Skipped the step part otherwise nice woods walk. Alex napped and rinsed boat, jeff rinsed Mana Kai and Darlene and I then went to check out the shopping scene. Not much to find, a couple nice galleries but I only found a had. There was a craft fair which had some ok stuff but no purchases, afternoon and evening concert.

We ate at the Greek restaurant in town and it was great but long wait…not sure why.
Gibson’s was nice, better to try to stay at the marina.
8/28, 29 and 30 Nanaimo Anchor off New Castle
Anchorage crowded! We were way away from dock and on periphery but “legal” A lot of wakes in this anchorage. Had opportunities for dock every day but passed. Short walk day one, tried city walk on millstone river trail day two but kind of polluted and trashy, got some groceries, did perimeter of the island hike (5.5miles) on our last day (Decided to stay a third night) and it is very pretty on the back side!

Alex caught 4 crab and we had crab fried rice.
8/31/2022 Pirates Cove Marine Provincial park

Left around 9am, did dodds narrows with 3.8 ish knot current going with it, no problem. Early arrival and anchored outside the tiny cove due to weather being good. We could fit in middle of cove or stern tie. Two dinghy docks, only a mile or so of trails. Short walk on trail (hot), then late in afternoon kayaked. One day stop…gonna try Chemainus tomorrow

Note brother XII cult conman used to be on island with followers, had gun turrets to protect it, supposed buried treasure on a 100 acre farm which is for sale on island after Victoria newspaper baron (Dennis black or something) bought and did not use. Saw a cool house with great big dock on a small island off DeCourcey owned by said millionaire.
Ran in to a couple that lived there and guy manufactures aluminum boats and shared the history with us
9/1/2022 Chemainus Public Wharf

Short notice email/call in am and got a slip (its not a big destination LOL). Walked the town and couple of urban trails. The murals are cool, saw several. Ate at Thai place, just ok. Got Scoops ice cream which was good…. Off to Wallace island tomorrow. Saw quite a few murals as we walked the town.

Went to the beach park, aston creek park and circled back on Cowichan valley trail. Quiet evening. Alex received documents from Pruett. Morning of 9/2 we asked a couple from Yakima (keep their boat Hey Jude in Anacortes) to witness our signatures then we walked up the the Canadian post and sent to AL. Left around 12pm, short cruise to Wallace Island
9/2/2022 Wallace Island Marine park
Two coves Conover and Princess, very long and narrow, have to stern tie. Fairly crowded so we anchored out from the front, fairly exposed which was fine for settled weather. Kayaked around the reefs and saw lots of cool erosion and harbor seals. Then took dogs for walk to south end of island (one of the points). Internet ok, not great. Weather kicked up so we only stayed one night since a fair weather anchorage.

9/3/2022 Montague harbor
Next AM took up kayaks, walked north to Chivers point (4.4 miles) then around 2pm wind kicking up so decided to move on (otherwise may have stayed). A bit bumpy at first in the passage but when got in channel to Montague no problem. Very crowded inside and out, we stayed in inner harbor, very crowd, on outside of most but still close to some boats. Just for one night, off to port browning tomorrow.
Internet really bad where we were anchored
9/4 and 9/5/2022 Port Browning Dock

Good spot on dock but busy weekend. We arrived Saturday and a couple of groups (Probably yacht clubs) had get togethers and stayed up late. All nice though. Not good walking. SUPped on day one (without alex) and then on my birthday we did a short walk (on bedwell harbour road) and then watched a dog show for a few minutes. Nice dinner out at pub…alex told our waitress Rachel to make it special and she did. Food was ok, not great but tasty.
9/6 and 9/7/2022 Genoa Bay Marina

Nice bay, we did get a dock but anchoring would have been fine. On day one I took a jog on the one road to genoa bay. Day two we tried to walk the mad dog trail but only got about ½ mile or so as rocky and steep so not good for terra. She got to swim. I washed the dogs, we trimmed nails, alex napped and I read a bit. Went to dinner at the café which was very very good.

The next day we took the dinghy to Cowichan Bay and walked the town and went to the marine museum. There are amazing 20-30 model ships built by a retired local doctor in the museum. Off to Victoria tomorrow.

9/8, 9 and 10 Victoria Ships Point marina
Got a good ride from genoa bay with current. Arrived around 11am and tied up on side of Ship’s point pier instead of one of the three fingers. Good view Parliament and empress but some blockage by boats and ferries. Queen died on day of arrival so flags went to half mast.
We had a good view of the Empress Hotel Lights from the boat from the dock.

Empress Hotel Lights From Water Dog at Dock
We walked beacon park with the dogs and along douglas avenue then through james bay are back to boat. Walked about in evening and got some drinks at a weird yuppy place End Dive, and some oysters and smoked eggplant. Small plates so had leftover coconut soup when got back.

Day Two: short AM walk with dogs, then bike ride along douglas, through rose cemetery and then to Government house gardens (where we signed the queen’s condolence book for Queen Elizabeth’s Death).

Rode by Craigdorch Castle (built by coal magnet Dunsimir in late 1800.

Checked out Victoria Public market (not much), then Market square (not much), ended up eating at the dumpling drop which was good. Chilled at home but a party tent got put up on the pier and some noise of the band practicing and then party through the evening (indigenous guy did a short think band then a comedian). Party sounds were not a big bother. Had Enchiladas at home for dinner after a nice walk along the harbour north then across the pedestrian bridge to Songhees Point. Terra got to swim yay!!!