June 2022 British Columbia Boating

5/31/2022 Tuesday  CRUISING Bellingham to Port of Sidney
We got up early. Left dock around 7:40AM. Discovered one depth meter not working. Nice cruise with good current behind us a lot of the way. Got to Port of Sidney around 12:30pm. To customs dock: no peoples just called in and got our clearance number.  We walked dogs south along the water: good swimming along the way so dogs had fun.

Port Of Sidney BC
Terra Swimming Port Of Sidney Water Park

6/1/2022 to 6/4/2022 Port of Sidney F7 and F31

Working on finishing touches on the boat.  Alex installed Pepwave cellular router with high gain Husky Antenna which we move back and forth to camper depending on which one we are traveling in.   Bob and Claudette arrived and opened up grand QTR they were across from us so nice to be close. Darlene made reservation at the thai place up the street for all of us at 6:30pm for Thai.  So we had a nice dinner out together.

On the 2nd we went for a walk at 10:30am ish with all but Bob. Low low tide so not a lot of swimming for the dogs but nice to walk. When we got back we helped Bob with his bimini which we got up but Bob says its not right so will have to work on it.  We then met around 5:30pm and walked/drove to the Thursday’s farmer’s market.  Mostly crafts, bakery, one vege stand, jam stand etc….  I bought some Jam.  Rita and Vaughn showed up at 6pm ish so we could all see each other and then we went to the Dicken’s pub.

Claudette, Patty, Rita, EZ Bob, Alex and Vaughn At Dickens Pub

On the 3rd-4th: RAIN Rain Rain.

More moving into the boat. Went grocery shopping with Claudette. Then had apps with Claudette and Bob on Water Dog, then dinner on our own.

June 5th Port Sidney to Winter Cove

We got up and leisurely got ready to leave: filled water, got a few groceries for dinner tonight, walked dogs. Shoved off from marina about 10:30 AM. Mostly cloudy cruise, calm, minimal wind, somewhat fighting tide so not fast. Arrived at Winter cove and anchored by 1PM.

Winter Cove is a great spot with a short but nice hike along shore. At the dock is a nice large grass area. Across the road from dock is a well maintained ball field with grass thats fenced in to play ball with the dogs.

Grand QTR arrived about ½ hour later. We went to shore around 3 or 3:30 after deploying dinghy and walked dogs. Short walk in the marine park was nice. Overlooked boat pass which had strong current and view of strait of Georgia. Started raining so back to boats. Claudette and Bob came over around 5:30pm. We watched the Warriors game and had a nice dinner: jambalaya, salmon, salad, focaccia…. Fun had by all.

Winter Cove Anchorage Sunset
Holly aka Wally, Patty, Claudette, Alex and Terra Winter Cove Hike
Bob Hunter Ball Field At Winter Cove, Great Chuck It Spot For Dog Ball

June 6th  Winter Cove to Montague Harbor

We were going to leave with Bob and Claudette around 11am but the salt water washdown pump was not working so it took about  an hour to get it going. Never found a blockage, maybe just stuck impeller after removing cover? Anyhow got off noonish and arrived at Montague 2 or so. Grand QTR beat us there and we all walked the island around 3pm. Mana Kai arrived 3pm, boat buddies united! We had a burger dinner with potato salad, cabbage salad and Darlene made cookies!!!! Nice evening.

Montague Harbor Marine Park

June 7th Montague Harbor to New Castle Island off Nanaimo

Alex started to plan a route and look at weather and confirmed Thursday is bad for going north along the cost of Vancouver island from Nanaimo to Comox. So he said we should get to Comox Wednesday. So change o’plans leaving Montague today. Got things together, took dogs in, fixed anchor winch jumping thing and then headed out about 12:20pm. Dodd’s narrow slack at 4:05 pm so need to get there near there. We had an easy cruise. The sunny morning turned into a cloudy afternoon but no rain.  Had to slow down the last hour to not get there too soon. We saw a sailboat go through no problem so we sped up to our regular 8 knots and got through no problem, likely 2.7 knot current against us. Cruised into Nanaimo harbor and anchored at New Castle island. Hard to know which side of the no anchor signs to land on: many peops inside but on the other hand the park says the sign means don’t anchor inside of park boundary. Well an hour later the port authority vessel pulls up and we go out to chat and we were supposed to be inside the markers LOL. The markers were outlining an aerodome they said. Since we were leaving early in the AM they did not make us move.

We hiked 3.7 miles around the island, Terra was tired but got to swim at the end so was rejuvenated. Got back to boat 7ish.   I rinsed Terra, we hung out and the plan is to leave as early as we can: tomorrow(have to take dogs in and bring dinghy up.  I previously timed our take dogs in and bring dinghy up eventing and found it to be 45 minutes MAX speed.

June 8th Nanaimo to Comox Harbor

Got out at 7:10 AM!  Terra, despite walking her around a lot did not poo…. Cruise was about 5 hours and was nice at times. Terra started to pant and needed to go around 12pm. Took her out on the deck a couple times but nada. She settled down and made it ?.  When we got south of Denim island encountered big winds!! 30 knots! Rattled our cage so to speak but no danger. Apparently this is a thing: the Qualicom winds!   We think its from a low spot in the mountain range on Vancouver island that we could see when we were feeling the winds… alex thinks similar to oyster point.  We did have the tide most of the way so until about this point we were doing 9 to 9.5 knots. Had to go through Dodd’s narrows which we did a bit before slack with 2.7 knot current…not bad. Arrived Comox harbor and fair amount of room. Due to forecasted severe winds tomorrow alex tucked us in futher on D dock (vs breakwater). We hooked up, walked the dogs (terra pooped 4 times!) and then biked to the marine store to pick up our part. It was next to the budget car rental so I went over and asked them about an extra day which we were promised. They will pick us up tomorrow at 4pm.
They have dock sales of fresh fish here. There was a big fishing vessel selling halibut: we had to buy an entire halibut and they would filet. So we did: 135 CAD and got 5-6 meal portions plus YAY (not) crab bait aka fish skeleton and heads. Alex later cooked fish for dinner!

Comox Harbor

June 9th  through June 13th Comox Harbor, pick up Charlene and Jim on Sunday the 12th

Thursday the rain did come in. Not too windy til late in afternoon. We were inside mostly, got a couple walks in with the dogs. Friday when we woke up the sun was a shining. We checked weather and it seemed that today would be a better day for the mountains than Saturday. So off we went about 10 am. Drove through Campbell river then up to Strathcona Park. Stopped at Lupin falls first and the sun was out so Terra got to swim and holly play on the beach.

Terra Getting Her Swim On

Then we drove on into Gold River and had lunch at a cafe (seafood chowder, reubin and ham and cheese). Drove 7 miles down the road to the west coast of the island (but a branch off Nootka sound, Muchalat inlet. It was Indian territory, there was a ferry dock to somewhere else in the sound (I think “tashis”) but rather industrial otherwise. Not really a destination for the boat but it was pretty.   A plaque was there about a Puget sound whale “luna”. She showed up three days after a chief died who had proclaimed he would come back as an orca so the tribe tried to protect her (fish and game at one point tried to take her away). Ultimately after a couple years of her being guarded by tribesman she was “instantly” killed when drawn into a tug boat propeller. Bummer.  Stopped at Lady falls on the back. Chilled a bit and then went to dinner at Black Fin pub on the outside balcony overlooking the harbor and our own boat: nice.

Comox BC

Charlene and Jim Arrive Sunday the 12th

Sunday 8:40 am Jim and Charlene arrived. We came back to boat got them settled then went for a hike (about 3 miles) at Nymph Falls provincial park. Nymph falls is on the Puntledge river. Nice walk through woods then along river and looped back. Very fast water, more of a long cascade type falls but powerful and impressive.

Went back home and settled dogs. Had lunch at the food truck (fish and chips, oyster po boys and fish tacos: ALL GOOD). 

June 13th Monday Comox to Hardie Island Marine Provincial park.

We left around 8:30 am. 15 knot wind or so for the crossing but not bad. Saw two whales tail and fin slapping near Texada Island.

Nice sunny day!!! Got to hardie island and anchored but as reviews had commented no holding, all rock/pebbles which prover to be true. Alex decided ok with forecasted lite winds. Well protected except from the smallish entrance from the south West.

Hardie Island Anchorage Looking Toward SW Entrance

We tried to take Terra to shore and did but it was one of the worst landings yet. Got the job done then chilled at the boat. Was going to launch a SUP as pretty but the wind kicked up and from an unforecasted direction of SW. We were right in line with a long fetch all the way across Malapsina strait so not the most pleasant and it blew us close to the rock wall which made alex nervous. We moved a little away. Thankfully by 7 or so it calmed down and we had a lovely night on anchor. When took Terra in again we decided to trespass on oyster island resort’s dock since it looked empty. It worked out great.

June 14th Tuesday: Hardie Island to Back Eddy marina

The guys had put out crab traps: Nada. Towed dinghy and had a nice cruise to the marina. Had to do a port tie due to current but no big deal.

Back Eddy Marina Bathgate General Store

Started chatting with some locals on the dock (They live near john henry marina in garden bay) and they informed us of a short but open salmon season right out in the Sechelt inlet. They had caught their limit of 2 each per day for 2 days and kept extending their stay.

Coho Salmon Caught At Back Eddy

The gang decided to stay another night here so they could do salmon fishing. Alex rigged prawn traps. Guys put out crab traps and I rode along for praw trap deploying.


Then around 4:30pm we dinghied over the Bathgate store and did the walk to Sechelt rapids. Nice day to catch them as 16 knot current flowing into the inlet. Impressive amount of water and power.

Prawn traps gone ☹  No crabs and line got stuck had to use motor to get the traps back but fortunately did.  A bit depressing to lose traps with all the line and rigging. The rapid peak was 6:20pm so after the return home and trap “retrieval” it was 9 o’clock. I made thai coconut soup with ramen noodles which every one liked. Bedtime!

June 15th Wednesday: Back Eddy marina

I was first up and looked for traps and saw one at head of the south island off the marina (must have dragged a quarter mile). I told Alex but he was sleeping so ignored it.  When they got up though him and Jim went out in dinghy and did find one trap (nothing in it and bait not even touched).   Good to at least retrieve one trap.  Nice big breakfast cooked by Charlene: bacon and eggs and toast.  Guys started rigging for Salmon trolling and Charlene and I walked to the Skookimuch bakery and go cinnamon rolls and muffins: YUM. Plan is to eat out tonight. Those guys went fishing and I hung out on the boat with the generator going as no power here.  Supposed to rain this PM.  No success Salmon fishing.   Going to Chatterbox tomorrow. 

Jim and Charlenne Dinner West Coast Wilderness Lodge

June 16th-17th Wednesday: Back Eddy Marina To ChatterBox Falls

Took off from BackEddy around 11:00 hours to make Malibu Rapids at the entrance to Princess Luisa Inlet at slack. AyeTides reported slack at 2:00 but it was max ebb current when we got there at 1:30. Had to wait around for 3:15 for ebb current to go down enough to enter. Even then there was a 3 knot current coming out so there was a stress full minute or so hard turning of the wheel to keep Water Dog in the middle in the narrow dog leg. OpenCPn had a much more accurate timing for the current at Malibu Rapids and was spot on for the entry and exit a couple days later.

Malibu Rapids

There has been so much rain lately that there are waterfalls all over the walls in the inlet where ever you looked.

We ended up anchoring right in front of Chatter Box Falls like we did on our last visit in 2018 when we first visited BC.

Water Dog In Front Of Chatter Box Falls

The next morning we took the dinghy over take a walk over at Mings loop next to Macdonald Island. There is a small dock across from the Island for the mings loop trail.

We then went for a visit to Malibu Landing Youth Camp which is run by a church group and supports visits by kids all over the country. They have tours they give if you show up at the dock which Patty, Jim and Charlenne took while I (Alex) watched the dogs in dinghy. We found out they do not allow dogs so best to leave them home. They actually have a couple people where their only job is to give tours, they approached the dinghy when we pulled up.

Holly Taking Dinghy To Malibu Resort

June 18th Squirrel Cove Anchorage

Left Chatterbox early at like 7 AM and go to rapids at slack, motored through with no excitement. 80nm day ahead so about 10 hours.   Mixed cloudiness for the cruise out to Malaspina strait. Turned north and cruised inside the Copeland islands: looks pretty, no dock, maybe one landing beach, would be good for kayak and SUP maybe (not sure about currents). Passed Lund area ….terra started to show some stress. I took her up front twice and nada. Later determined it was not poo she needed to do but pee pee….she holds that better.
Got to squirrel cove low low tide. Public dock full. We had 6-8 feet water under keel when we entered via the shallow part. Dinghied to store quickly as it closes at 6pm. Got some avocados, crackers, beer and chips 57 dollars to support local economy.  The little gallery was closed, the store owner said it would open in a month. Alex remembered and liked the store a lot as its also a hardware store with rom after room of groceries, hardware, garden tools, some gifts… unique place. Nice evening of fish tacos!

Tried going crabbing with Jim but no crabs again! Very bad year for everyone I talk too so far.

Jim Hauling Pot With couple Small Red Crabs

June 19 and 20th Dent Island Lodge Dock

Only about 20 nm to go. Got up early enough that we were able to do the walk across the island to Von Dopp inlet. Dogs had a blast: Swam at beginning, stream /trail in the middle to get muddy and then swim at the both ends again !

On Hike Charlene Snapped This Shot of Mushrooms On Log

Got back to boat, pulled up dinghy and set sail. Those guys napped a bit. BEAUTIFUL day: clear sky and mountains with some distant waterfalls. Super beautiful cruise day…all the views to the east are stunning… that’s were toba inlet is and I hope we get there someday.

View On Trip From Squirrel Cove To Dent Island Lodge

Got to Yaculta and Girard rapids just about at slack so went through no problem. 3 boats arriving. They tried to put us on A dock (most south, most current push against dock at times) but we asked if we could go in behind estero on C dock and they said ok. We had the end tie at C dock.

Water Dog At Dent Island Lodge

I had reserved us for the grill at 6:30 I though but Alex found out I had miscommunicated and had it for Monday the day those guys would be gone. We got switched no problem.  We had a lovely evening and dinner at the Rapids grill.  

Patty, Alex and Jim at Dent Island Rapids Grill

Next morning guys went on a fishing charter 7-11 (again no keepers but did catch a few things).

Alex and Jim Leaving On Fishing charter

Got back, packed, showered and we got in a lunch before there 1pm pick up. Guy was a bit late around 1:30pm and then he told those guys stopping at Toba Wilderness dock, Bliss landing and Nanaimo for fuel. Charlene texted they arrived about 4:30 and were waiting for lift to get to the hotel near pikes place (45minutes away apparently)

Jim and Charlene Leaving Dock On Float Plane

After they left Alex and I hiked the trail and loop which was sketchy, orange marks are the only way to follow this trail. At least some exercise. Had dinner on board: Steak salad.

They were fun to have on board…lived up to what Charlene had said “easy and helpful”

June 21st Extra day at Dent Lodge as it rained all day

Predicted to rain all day so we decided to stay. It did rain all day then lightened up around 7pm. I went to the gym and did the elliptical, alex hung out. We had dinner at the restaurant (lamb) and my social butterfly. Alex invited “strangers” on the selene Blue Red to join us. So we did have some conversation along with a good dinner: shared a bottle of wine. They are not yet retired so are on a 3 week vacation, back to work after July 4th. She works for city managing projects, he is/was into IT.

Plan to leave tomorrow. May go to Big Bay public dock or on to Octopus islands. We do have to go to Campbell river to get the oil rights signed and notorized and the dinghy has arrived so Alex has to figure out if we are going back to get it or not.

At some point Alex got a text and the missing prawn trap was found, likely near where we put it. Must have been drawn under by current. We will try to retrieve it by car from Madeira park or go back to Egmont.

June 22nd 23rd and 24th Big Bay Public Dock

Left Dent Island around 11 in case we did decide to not stay at Big Bay Dock. 2 or 2.5 nm cruise, pulled right in to the dock starboard side bow in.

Water Dog At Big Bay Public Dock

FYI this ended up being a slight problem as sun was blocked by the bimini in afternoon so we lost a lot of solar power.

Anyhow, no electric, water is up the dock…but probably not treated much. Dock pretty good…splinters could happen, bull rails. Suggested dock fee/ donation is 1.00 CAD per foot so cheap. Great view and one evening a couple whales were feeding out by the island.

Whale Blow Off Big Bay Dock
Holly Checking Out Whale Through Port Hole, Terra’s Next!

Really like this area. I had heard of one hike to eagle lake (2.5 miles out and back total) which we did but there are other hikes to Basset Bay and Old Cedar and the main road to walk is public. We walked on road to a place called overfall which had nice view of mini rapids and scenary and neat swinging bench as well as picnic table.

Sign On Road To Lake Trail
Patty and Holly Eagle Lake Hike

Also the “berry patch” fenced in berry bushes. There is a store. Well stocked with beer and some booze but mostly non perishables.

This place is surrounded by fishing resorts: Eagle bay and Big Bay landing and Nootka/Anderson family lodge right around marina and then down the road a couple more: one is: Warm springs lodge which is on a barge. Sonora resort and Dent island across the way.

Patty Walking Gravel Road On Island

Many float planes and the Friday before we left a wedding was to had at the Landing place and 5 helicopters flew in. The eagle creek lodge is not even advertised on the internet: I found a fishing forum with a description from 2005 or so and at that point it was owned by Peterbilt trucking company (an another). Lifestyles of the rich and famous.
Alex started the 30 Amp Project (install something that allows us to safely plug into 30 AMP) which was fraught with obstacles he had to figure out since we were at a dock with NADA. Took 3 days but he got it done. We will come back here and walk to bassett bay and I think he should fish.
PJS notes that there was fishing happening at all these lodges and also around Egmont. Alex did not have to fish. Big currents in big bay as need to cross “rapids” on all three sides: Girard, Yaculta and Aaaron. I had a nice SUP one afternoon near slack but at the end current picked up and even at the edge of the bay so I had to paddle hard. Just have to be mindful.

June 25th Octopus Islands Marine Pronvincial park

Left early to get the Hole in the Wall early slack. This meant going through Yaculta befoe slack, likely with 3 knot or so current but no big deal. Cruise was beautiful, only 10-15 nm. Pretty much almost there after the hole in the wall which we did get at near slack so no problem.

Later on when we SUPped out to the channel to circle the islands and look for crabbing spots we heard the rapids and could see a standing wave so as usual with rapids best to go at slack 😊

Patty On SUP Octopus Island

We settled kind of far out from the islands with views and near a dock on an island which we presumed was going to be private and thought not marked as such it was.

View Octopus Island Anchorage

We put down dinghy and took dogs to the park island and terra swam and dog business as done. Then back to the boat, did the SUP trip around the island (a long one) and then deployed crab traps. Took dogs to the dog after deploying crab for a pee pee. Had dinner of halibut salad.

Terra panted all afternoon as it was hot! Got to 80 in the house. She also panted in the evening. We took her in around 9pm and she peed but did not poo (used the illegal dock). Got her back on the dock and I felt she would go there and she did but not much. She proceeded to pant the rest of the evening but did settle down. I am worried about her. She is eating a bit weird again taking breaks and belly looks a little wide again ☹ Supposed to be a benign tumor and not regrow… ☹

Plan to stay 2-3 nights.

Day two: took dogs in to the dock. Had some breakfast then headed out to the hike at head of Waiatt Bay around 9am. Planned to walk over to Small Inlet Marine Provincial Park then up to newton lake. Ran into a couple from Campbell who were anchored in small inlet and heading over to check out Waiatt Bay. I asked about the lake trail and they said it was an obvious left run shortly, through some swampy area then up up up.

Waiatt Bay Trail Sign

Terra did ok but very near the top it was very very rocky and steep so we turned around to not stress her more than we already had. We did get a good dog swim in along the way!

Alex and Dog’s

Got back and tide had come in: we had tied to the side and used the anchor buddy, barely able to get to where we tied it without swimming but we did. Back to boat and I read while alex napped. Then picked up crab traps: one blank and one with a halibut, red crab and dungenous crab shell. We figured the halibut at the dungenous crab. Release them all as the red crab although male was small. Leaving tomorrow for Gorge Harbor dock.

  I did find that the island behind the one with the sign has a good sloping rock for dog access at medium to high tide. We had to use this as when we went to take dogs in around 8pm someone was at the dock! They later returned to a boat across the bay we think…maybe someone who has visited for years and uses the dock as in the reviews there used to be the habit of boaters going to the cabin and leaving something with their boat name on it. We did find a private sign on other side of the island so I suspect no longer encouraged but maybe people still do as the dock is not labeled private. Who knows.

6/27/2022 Gorge Harbour Dock

Left around 11am. Hit surge narrows a bit before slack, alex said maybe 1 knot current. We were going against the current. Got through fine…it tis narrow and some turning. 

Surge Narrows

Flat when got on other side and then slight wind before the end of the cruise. Got a nice end tie at gorge harbour. Twas hot so used the AC. Went to public dock to see about garbage (sometimes bins may be there, .50 cents a pound for unsorted). The resort charges 15.00 a bag (not sure about bag size). Terra swam at public and gorge boat ramps and we got some fresh fruit and cookies at the store.  Cooked out and had cocktails. Tomorrow we shall go for a hike.

6/28/2022 Texada Boat Club

Paid for and had planned to stay two nights at gorge. So I delayed laundry and a hike. Well this AM Steve Guyer called and dinghy to be read Thursday or Friday. So now we are in a hurry. Left dock 10 am (credit at gorge for one night) and headed south. Not sure if we’d make Powell or Texada or a bit further Secret Cove. We ended up against wind and tide and it was BAD once we got out into open water. So much so Alex worried about the dinghy on soft chocks and turned around to back track 5 miles to go inside islands. It was better then. He said he would have kept going if we had real chocks. Oh well. We made it to Texada boat club, walked about town and to store. Plan to leave early in AM as 90 NM to Point Roberts

Water Dog at Texada Boat Club

6/29/2022 Point Roberts Marina

LONG Day!. Left Texada at 5:37 am. Supposed to be with the tide but that did not happen. Ended up going 7 knots all day, maybe average 7.5. Wind and waves not bad so twas a pleasant enough cruise just long. Used CBP roam (required now) to check in and I got interviewed but the nice agent said all good so we did not have to get searched. Diesel was 5.69 which is pretty cheap so we stopped at fuel dock and got fuel. Nice fuel guy Ding gave us 2% off which is cash discount even though we used CC. Moved to slip H9 which was a bad trip for us. Line fell in water, alex ran to get and left boat in gear, everyone got flustered and I gave a wrong direction order so we scratched the boat. We shall see. I fee terrible too as we are a team and we failed.

I made two adds this day: one to sell dinghy and kayaks. Priced dinghy nice and low and we got lots of takers. “good” friend of Kyle at Seaview says he will leave cash with Kyle so it is sold. One interested persion in kayaks too so we may finally get rid of those.

2021 Summer Puget Sound Boating

COVID pandemic continues so border closed: Still no Canada crossing. So we did a Camper trip to Glacier NP and back first part of summer then started our Cruise from La Conner.

Splashed about 9:30 am (means the boat put back in the water). Engine’s started with a little smoke from exhaust but no problem. We spent a few days at the dock provisioning and getting Water Dog Ship shape for cruising.

July 21st headed south from La Conner and tried a new place Deception pass state park. There are some docks but they were full so we anchored.  Of course had to anchor twice  ? and ended up close to one of our neighbors (Fortunately unoccupied catamaran).  Weird at first as even though wind was a blowing current kept us sideways to it. It settled down and was fine. Good walks in woods: about 5 miles in woods with filtered water views at first and the first half of hike had old growth. It was nice. On way back to boat we checked out the town of Cornet. Could not find a bar Alex had seen on google. Looked like there might be a store. There are other hikes behind the town so a potential two night stay and hiking is possible. Pretty anchorage, good cell service..

July 22nd through 24th Port Hudson Marina Port Townsend. We like Port Townsend as nice town and good walking.  Had to anchor out for an hour until our slip was open.  Found out there is a free dock to tie up to for short tie up but rolly.  That night we had dinner at Doc’s marina grill. In afternoon took a short city walk to Chetzmoka park (alex found good cut through at north end of point Hudson area) . At low tide can walk the beach to Fort Warden State Park.

Went to a new spot July 25th: Watmough Bay Anchor

Very scenic anchorage, exposed to NW so can get wakes from boats.  Nice dinghy beach to land on and can walk on trails both sides of the bay: either up to Chadwick Hill (requires some climbing/hiking) or out Point Colville on the south side of bay.  It was very windy that night and it was noisy and rolly.

Good hike up to top of Chadwick Hill with great views!

July 26- Aug 24

Cruised the San Juans. Crabbing, Prawning, Rocher Harbor, Spencer Spit, Hunter Bay Mackaye Harbor, Prevost Harbor, Port Ludlow, Sucia’s etc.. Walks and fun times.

Met Mana Kai and Grand QTR and had a great night at Westcott Oyster Farm and Restaurant (near Roche Harbor)

Were able to get a slip at Cap Sante for a few nights so we could go to the Arts Festival. Nice festival.

View of Anacortes from top of Cap Sante

Headed south to visit Tacoma again as last time the glass museum was closed and open in 2021. On the way down we stopped at a new place Silverdale. We walked around old town then along the clear creek trail but the road connecting two parts of trail was closed so had to detour off water. We had dinner on our own and then in the morning on the 24th we all walked up to the REI. Silverdale dock was nice (bad bad electric). Waterfront park good…trail good and it has any shopping you’d like.(2 miles away)

August 24, 25, 26  back to Tacoma, Dock street maraina. Glass museum open this time so we did go there. Nice building as well as all kinds of cars.   Silver salmon were running so Alex got some fishing in. Last day those guys took off and we did the car and glass museum. Rained our last day while Alex was fishing. He caught, fileted and cooked salmon. It was fresh but rather bland and weird consistency. Apparently this salmon is used for canning, not the best I would think to cook as main course.

Water Dog at Dock Street Marina

Also someone had told us to do the Car Museum so we did and it was pretty cool.

View of Foss Waterway from Car Museum in Tacoma

Headed back to the San Juans and spent a few days at Roche Harbor then for my Birthday week we went to Orcas Island Rosario resort. Met up with Grand QTR and Mana Kai. Had B-day dinner (claudettes B-day is the third). Also we rented a car and drove the island for a day. Went to Orcas Island Pottery which was cool, Found a hike to do but cut it short as we had our dinner date at the resort.

After the B-day celebrations. Back to Bellingham to get ready to have Water Dog hauled and painted!

Sept 7-11 Bellingham, Seaview north dock

Water Dog was hauled 9/8/2022. We then moved to camper (they let us camp in the yard). Several days of work clearing out everything from portugese bridge and the boat: fenders, kayaks, sups, lines, cleaning stuff! Five palates of junk plus stuffed the pilot house with lines etc…. Got it done and headed home 9/11.

Land yacht and motor yacht.

One last fun night out with our good friends and boat buddies. There was a Jimmy Buffet Cover band at the near bay (walkable) Hotel Bellwhether. Food, drink, dance and song. Fun had by all.

Ketchikan To Shearwater

August 24thTo August 27th

Between Ketchican and Shearwater we stopped at Prince Rupert, for Canadian customs, then Hartley Bay and the native village of Klemtu.

Ketchican To Shearwater

August 24th,  Ketchikan to Dixon Entrance to Prince Rupert

Dixon Entrance East weather Forecast

To get to Prince Rupert from Ketchican you need to cross Dixon Entrance, which is open to the Pacific from the west, so you need to watch the weather for the crossing. Dixon Entrance is just south of Prince Rupert.

The weather forecast for Dixon entrance is above showing 20 to 30 knots the evening before turning to the west at 15-25 the next morning when we left. For this crossing the west wind is the direction you do not want since the wind waves will have a long fetch and build on top of the swells coming form the Pacific.

Since we would not be at Dixon until later in the day when winds should diminish to 10-15 decided to go for it starting a little later at 10 am.

Started out nice cruise as in side passage til got past foggy bay. First part of crossing ok but when we got in front of Portland inlet we had ebb tide from sound and beam seas. It sucked! We had to “tack” ie turn up towards west end of Dundas island to head more into waves then turn SE to have more following seas to get back to east ends of Dundas island. About 2 hours of bad rocking with one big tip over. We had not tied down table or chairs but they were ok. Arrived at Prince Rupert and got into a slip no problem. It was 5:30 pm or so. Harbormistress had left us keys.

Alex called in to customs and we received our clearance and number over the phone.

Alex sees a bunch of lows coming and very worried. Wants to skidaddle south quickly at get inside Vancouver island rain shadow. 
That night Alex watched first gator game and they won. Go gators.

August 25th Sunday: Prince Rupert to Hartley Bay

Headed south early in AM. Fought tide first ½ of day then caught current second. Skipped Lowe Inlet stop due to worry about storms. Nice easy quiet cruise. Saw a couple whales which we were surprised. Both of us had been wondering if we’d find them in Grenville canal since it very narrow for a long distance.

Grenville Canal whale

Arrived early evening in Hartley bay. Got lucky and found dock space. Free dock, free 30amp electric and free high speed internet ! WOW. 

We squeezed Water Dog in to this very small marina on an inside dock keeping as far off the breakwater on the outside as possible. Another 60 footer squeezed in also later at the side dock inside us.

Water Dog Tucked In At Hartley Bay

This is a board walk town of 200. No store. We walked the water front board walk and then the to the fish hatchery and beyond along the Gabion river.

Hartley Bay Board Walk
Hartley Bay Native Center

The hatchery is run by the Git Ga tribe. We saw some fry in tanks.

Hartley Bay Hatchery

Continued to walk board walk which ended up being about 1 mile long to “lower lake”. Dogs had a good time.

Hartley Bay Board Walk

Lots of nice blue berries on the trail and the dog’s have now learned to pick berries when ever they see them.

Terra Picking Blue Berries

Of course what ever Terra does Holly copies.

Holly Picking Berries

Had dinner in. Met folks from Port Edward (around the corner from prince Rupert where historic cannery museum lies), Jim Jones. He had been anchored in the storm two nights before and stayed up all night hoping his anchor would hold.

August 26th Hartley Bay to Klemtu

Saw large pod of Orcas going in our direction so got to cruise along with them for a long time keeping the same speed, WAY cool! And a couple whales.

Orcas On Hartley Bay To Klemtu

Wanted to stop at Khutze bay but weather not good and alex still stressing so we passed it by. No room at public dock (a cruising boat was at dock and if we had beat them we would have been able to tie up) so anchored. 

Klemtu dock is pretty trashed up but cant complain when free!

Water Dog Anchored Off Klemtu Public Dock

We anchored further out to avoid trees getting stuck on anchor, nice view of long house. We took a walk in Klemtu again. Went to the Spirit Bear lodge. All inclusive lodge owned by the tribe. Walked in and at first the “manager” was a little surprised to see us but then he got in host mode and was friendly and informative. Explained they provide cultural and wildlife viewing tours. He mentioned his boats would be back soon but were watching 15 orcas trying to kill a humpback outside Khutze inlet.  I asked about the huge ferry terminal north of town and he said it was just “luck”: BC ferries needed a storm port and they chose klemtu. 24 million for barely used ferry station. Asked if Salmon ran in the rivers there and he said yes (they were jumping all around us again).

On way back a local told us to be careful a sow with two cubs is wandering town and could pop out at any time…we did not see.

Augusty 27th Klemtu to Shearwater

Chill cruise. Saw a couple whale spouts. A bit of open water to get to Shearwater in Mllebanke sound. A little chop but nothing compared to Dixon. Wanted to stop at Bella Bella but no dock space so went to Shearwater.

Shearwater was pretty full. We have caught up with the cruisers. This made Alex feel good (as we caught up) and bad (as we now have company) LOL!

Walked to coast guard station and back so dogs could run (about 5 miles)

Shearwater Coast Guard Station

We met John and Vicky on Bear North who tied up behind us while we were on our walk. They are on a nice new 58 foot motor sailor made by Hans Christian??

They had gone to Hadai Gwaii. They also were anchored in the big storm with the captain manning the help at night just in case. Good thing Alex checks weather as we were at Ketchikan dock for this. He was critical care ER doctor and she ER/pediatric nurse. Nice couple. They live in Alberta one hour from Banf. They keep their boat at Van Isle marina (just like Mana Kai and Grand QTR).  They shared a reference of “Bert” their boat watch person and promised to email info when they can. They joined us for dinner so it was a nice time

Warm Springs Bay To Sitka Via Baby Bear Cove

July 31st To Aug 6 th Warm Springs Bay To Sitka Via Baby Bear Cove

Left early to catch tides. Peaked in waterfall cove to see 400foot waterfall kutxhcuel/???? Nice. Pretty nice clear day.

Water Fall Cove

Terra and Holly where not stressed out at all on this trip as they rested in Pilot House next too Patty piloting the boat.

Terra and Holly stressing Out in Pilot House During Trip

Saw one whale sort of close and one distant breach. Cruised up peril strait and stopped at Baby Bear Bay which was 3 nm north of Sergius narrows which has big current and has to be timed well. Had a chill evening in Baby bear day. Saw a dear but no bears. Alex deployed crab traps.

August 1st Baby Bear Cove to Sitka

Alex retrieved crab traps. Got three small ones. We cooked them up in AM for later consumption prior to leaving. Got everything ready to go as needed to time tide at Sergius narrows. Left 10:30am (was a bit early) and nice flat water. Got to Sergius narrows early, still against tide so went through slow but no drama. No orcas or bears.

Sergius Narrows

Chill cruise through Neva and Olga strait. When crossed small bit of ocean stopped on a small “sea mound” to fish for halibut. Guys caught a spiny rockfish and unidentified trout looking thing. Entered Sitka sound and then got to Sitka Harbor. Assigned end tie in Eliason harbor float seven. 

The restored charter tug boat Swell, which we have seen numerous times on trip, was docked behind us. Took a short walk near marina and then guys cooked surf and turf YUM!

Water Dog at Sitka Harbour with Restored Tug Boat Swell

August 2nd Sitka

We took dogs to dog park (a designated baseball field and they played some good chuck it).  We then walked to downtown on waterfront. At first industrial but a couple inns and restaurant. Got to Totem square on waterfront with totem pole depicting history of Sitka.

Walked up Baranof Castle Hill which is where transfer of Alaska from Russia to US was executed years back. Lots of interpretive signs talking of history…Tlingits, Russians, US.

Baranof Castle Hill

Then walked the small downtown which had a few good local artist shops. We had fry bread from a couple college kids. They recommended two food trucks (ashmo’s and Ju Ju’s) as lunch choices.  Ju Ju’s is owned by fishing family and had fish tacos. At JuJu’s I had Halibut tacos, Alex had one salmon and one halibut. Fish good (owned by fishing family) but did not like the plane un heated corn tortillas. Marcia had the rice bowl which looked good. Gary had plain fish.

Captain JuJus Taco Truck

Finished town walk. Had rent a wreck Sitka car rental dropped off at totem square and thus after town walk we drove to Sitka National Historic park. Looked at some Indian stuff inside then took totem loop walk to see poles and also along Indian river.

Totem Loop Walk

Saw lots of Salmon running and watched some fisherman. No bears. Beautiful park. We did stop at Rose Gallery which is in a small building across from library and south harbor. It was a nice gallery. Went back and all tired. Marcia napped and Gary, Alex and I went to dinner at the Long Liner inn restaurant. Nice seafood pasta for the guys and I had halibut on salad with fries (my bad had fries ?)

August 3th  Sitka

We took dogs to dog park. Then after breakfast I had arranged for us to go visit raptor center around 10am. They did not have any patients for me to look at but we saw the facility and got a back scenes tour.

We then took car to Staargavin  river area. Walked the forest/muskeg trail and then those guys hung out while we added on the mosquito cove loop (beautiful trail). We met at picnic table after and they had gotten some snacks. Left there around 3pm as a family had the hut reserved (nice sturdy hut, right on ocean and big firepit down near water). 

We headed back and alex worked on zincs a bit while we hung out. Then we went into town for a bit to check out the rest of town. Gary and Marcia got something at another gallery and then we had a drink at Ernie’s bar (established 80 years ago) and then Pioneer bar (more locals and we had seen a dog go in the day before for its hot dog).  We all decided to go to dinner at the Channel Club which was recommended by the another boater we had seen in Baranoff (Mola Mola). We had nice dinner: ¾ of us had white king salmon (apparently the metabolize their diet differently, milder and I liked it) and Marcia had soy type Black cod tips. Excellent meal. 

August 4th  Sitka

We took dogs to dog park and alex filled dinghy gas tanks. Then back to boat to retrieve the gang. Went to the Sheldon Jackson museum for a couple hours. After that went back to boat.

Chilled in PM….I went to grocery store as I though we were leaving the next day. Got back 6:30pm ish.
That night we were tired and they /we had to get up early so went to get take out Mean Queen Pizza. While we waited we walked the dogs along the sea walk which is at the most southern marina and where the cruise ship passengers are let off.

August 5th  Sitka

I took those guys to airport at 5am. We had decided to stay and had a slow start but by 12:30 we were on Harbor Mountain /Gavin hill trail. Drove up 5mile long forest road and parked then walked along ridge to alpine hut (2.3 out and back, fairly strenuous). It was very clear, great views of mountains, alpine wild flowers, ocean all around just a stunning wonderful hike!).  

Lots of blue and red berries to eat on trail

We turned around at the shack on top of ridge where you can stay over night if you wish.

On the way back down you get nice views of the bay below.

After we went down to Ashmo’s for late lunch and the truck was still open.  Ashmo’s was recommended by the young couple that made fry bread and also by Steve a fourth generation American Indian who’s family has 4-6 jewelry stores in Texas, Ketchikan, Sitka).  We went back and got boat ready for voyage down outside of Baranof Island.

Petersburg To Juneau Via Duck Point Anchorage

June 15th to 24th

PetersBurg To Juneau Route

Juneau turned out to be one of our favorite stops due to the great hiking with in walking distance right above Aurora Harbor on the Perseverance Trail system. It also is a great place to provision with bulk goods/liquor at the COSTCO and Fred Myers. Fred Myers also has frozen herring for bait, 1/3 price of other places, for Halibut fishing in the far right front side of store which you cant find unless you ask.

Also for breakfast/lunch the Sand Piper cafe has excellent food and breakfast all day long.

Decided to leave Petersburg after we got back from glacier tour to knock off some of the 105 miles to Juneau by anchoring over night once we round Cape Fanshaw. Got back just about on the money at 12:30pm from glacier trip in Petersburg. We said our good byes, walked dogs, paid up set sail around 1:30pm. Had a nice cruise across Fredrickson Sound and then Stephen’s passage. These are big bodies of water with the potential to be really nasty but today was smooth as a baby’s butt. One whale and 2 or maybe 3 glacier sightings…more goodness. The whale was just sitting there with one fin stuck in the air.

Whale Just Holding Up Flipper

Got to anchorage around 4pm and anchored directly east of the Duck Point marker in 6 fathoms in nice sand/mud bottom as shown below at the elbow in the track from Water Dog. Was slightly exposed from the SW but we had no problems with waves during the night.

Duck point Anchorage

Sat a bit, showered, ate amazing crab fried rice, a bit of tv and to bed. Juneau tomorrow. Palm Beach sans Alex for me the day after and Alex moves into Juneau for a week while I visit mom.   Mom stable medically but quality of life is not good. Needs to get better. Love you mom. Terra used the poop deck to urinate 3 times. Holly held out. 1st time we tried not launching dinghy and they seemed fine.  A big key was a good pathway on rubber mats to the front deck so Terra does not slip on way out.

June 16th Duck Point to Juneau

Nice flat calm morning. Saw two sets of whales breaching a few miles away and some backs nearer. Also had nice pod of dal’s porpoise surf the bow for a bit.  Long day though 75 miles. Got here around 2pm seemed later as we had gotten up at 4pm and left at 6am. Got a good spot in Aurora harbor.

Water Dog At Juneau Aurora Harbor

Took a nice walk to gold creek park, through town, up to chicken ridge with tiny cool houses and a historical house and the back to boat.

Glacier Ave Upper Road Above Marina
Alaska Governors Mansion

I fly out tomorrow.  Alex will stay and work on boat and take care of doggies. ?

June 17-24th

PJS flew to Florida for mom visit.  Alex stayed with dogs in Juneau. Hiked a bunch of trails, socialized with neighbor’s Jill and Doug whom are on the dock in a motor sail boat behind us..

Had a dinner with Mana Kai and Grand QTR folks out and in (lasagna on our boat). Last day I think Alex changed every fuel filter possible in engine room, 13 total! Got a lot of filters with two main’s and two Genny’s with dual primary’s and one on engine filter on each and one fuel polishing filter.

Water Dog Fuel Filter Change

Albert and Jeanette started their visit on the 23 rd and visited for 10 days or so.

Albert, Jeanette and Alex Perseverance Trail

There are great hiking trails above the marina if you walk up through the cemetery to Cope Park and take stairs next to the dog park and then through neighborhood to Basin Road.

Cemetery Directly Above Marina
Cope Park Entrance
Basin Road Neighborhood

On the upper portion of Basin Road you will find Perseverence Trail and many other trail heads.

Basin Road Bridge To Trail Heads

Perseverance Trail is an old mining road so is a nice easy wide graded walk where you see a nice water fall about 1 mile up. Ended up walking up Perseverance Trail to Red Mill Trail to Glory Hole where their are great views. Took the Mount Juneau Hike a few day’s later. Very nice views but the trail is very narrow and footing hidden by plants at the bottom. Would call this a pretty tough hike with 3000 ft elevation so take water, lunch and good hiking shoes!

Juneau Trails Map Above Marina
Perseverance Trail
Red Mill Trail Bridge To Glory Hole
Glory Hole Trail Start
Glory Hole View At Old Mine Site

Glory Hole Trail dead ends at a wooden fenced stop!

Terra and Holly At End Of Glory Hole Trail
Mount Juneau Trail Start

The beginning of the trail has a lot of vegetation so it is hard to see where to put your feet, the entire trail is very narrow so watch your footing.

Mount Juneau Trail Start

The view from the top of Juneau and surrounding area is spectacular!

Mount Juneau Trail View from Top With Cruise ships
Albert and Jeanette Mount Juneau Trail Top
East View Top Of Juneau Trail

At the top some one is the past tried to start putting a cable car up to the point but only left a small building and some cables.

Terra At Old Abandoned Shack Mt Juneau Trail Top

June 25th-27th Juneau Mendenhall Glacier Hike

Monday as PJS flies back to Juneau, I arrived late on 10:17 flight. Had a small bit of wait to get ride to marina but accomplished.

Tuesday we stayed to go visit Mendenhall Glacier.

We rented a car (rent a wreck) and drove to do west glacier trail. Long walk with some climbing with final destination the base of glacier via West Glacier Trail. On the map below you take the Cairn Route on the right fork of West Glacier Trail where you see the red dots for the Ice Extent Cairns.

West Glacier Trail With Cairn Route Map

The trail is pretty easy going along the edge of the lake below the glacier until you get to the end where you have to do a little rock scrambling to get over a ridge. Along the way are a dozen or so cairn markers marking the spots where the glacier used to be in years past as it recedes to it’s current position.

Patty, Albert, Jeanette and Holly at Beginning Of West Trail
Rock Scramble, Top of Picture, At Ridge Towards End Of Trail
Terra and Holley On Top Of Ridge

Once you get near glacier you have have to walk a ways down the left side on muddy unstable paths to get the the edge of the glacier itself.

Terra on Muddy Trail Skirting Edge Left Side Of Glacier

Collected some glacier water for ice. Touched and walked on glacier. Fun time had by all. Long walk though.

Holly, Alex, Patty and Terra Edge Of Glacier
Alex and Holly Made it, Yeah!
Holly and Jeanette At Glacier
Holly and Albert Albert Waiting For Glacier Edge To Fall On Them

Klewnuggit Inlet To Prince Rupert

June 1st: ButeDale to Klewnuggit Inlet Provincial Marine Park 57 nm

June 2nd Klewnuggit to Prince Rupert 48 nm

Route ButeDale, Klewnuggit to Prince Rupert

Left dock around 7:45 am. Goal is to get ½ way up Grenville Channel (aka the ditch).  Arrived around 2:45pm at Klewnuggit East Inlet anchorage.

Nice easy cruise up Grenville channel. Had to go through Wright sound which can be bad due to 9 bodies of water meeting at that point but twas easy. Did not see any big boats or even little boats until we got to Klewnuggit.

Went down around down to the end of the bay and back up the East Channel, narrow at entrance but plenty deep. Ended up anchoring in 60′ in the middle of the inlet since another boat was up at the head already. Nice mud/sand bottom with good holding.

KlewNuggit East Inlet Anchorage
Klewnuggit Esat Inlet Sign at Entrance

Went up the inlet and snaked into east inlet anchorage. Beautiful. Alex put out crab traps (caught 2 but threw them back).

Alex Crabbing

We chilled and took a dinghy ride. No bear sightings but me worried about bears. Tough on dogs going to shore: barnacles if tide down at all. Woke up 5:15am. Strait to work no coffee. Retrieved crab traps, took dogs in, hoisted dinghy and anchor up and underway but 6:45am. Then coffee while cruising. Against tide a bit although should have been with north current relate to ebb from evening point. Saw a swimming dear weird. Nice cruisie with mild fog at one point, no sun. Apparently prince Rupert also is known as rainy Rupert.

June 2nd: Prince Rupert.

Stayed at Cow Bay Marina in Prince Rupert but be aware of the major currents that go straight through the marina. Had a pretty tough fight with the flood current of 2 knots when docking. I take a little float outside the marina to see how I am moving in current and make a plan how I will keep boat bow or stern pointing up current so I never get sideways to current. Got stuck sideways to metal outflow pipe down stream from dock when we first got the Nordic Tug many years ago, hopefully never again.

Prince Rupert Cow Bay Marina

Had a very nice stay in Prince Ruper with nice paths through town and hiking around the golf course with dog’s off leash when no golf players present.

Prince Ruppert is the last/first stop with customs when leaving/entering canadian waters. When entering from Alaska you get a slip at marina or pull up to customs dock where you call customs on the dedicated phones provided at the top of the docks.

We took a walk around town. The All trails map showed some trails in between streets and we ended up finding Hay’s Creek Trail which went along the creek for a mile or so.

Creek looked dirty so no dog swim. No Salmon. It ended up in a neighborhood and we kept going until we had to cut over on 4th street.

We ended up coming out at the local path start at the right corner of the Rona hardware store.

Local Path Start To right Of Rona HW Store

Walked by the Safeway and BC museum then down to waterfront park and back to the boat at Cow Bay Marina behind Atlin Terminal.

Prince Rupert Atlin Terminal

Raining hard now…rainy Rupert. Snuggled up with heat and dehumidifier on.

The next day we took a walk up through trail that goes up through town starting at the Sunken Gardens then up and around the golf course.

Golf Course Walk

Comox Harbour To Tribune Bay (Hornby Island)

August 30th To September 1 st

Trip Length 20 nm

Another short rip and nice weather for the trip from Comox Harbour To Tribune Bay anchorage on Hornby Island.  Hornby Island has a plethora of hiking trails about a mile away to the west of the anchorage we did not get too.  We ended up doing the hike to the east of the anchorage in Helliwell Provincial Park that was one of our all time favorites.  We also did mot make it too the  Hornby Island Co-Op Ring Side Market but heard that it is well worth a visit. 

The anchorage is huge, we ended anchoring out a ways from the crowd at the head along the cliffs along the east side ringed with hidden houses along the High Salal Public Trail.  This trail is very cool along the water and the early part runs between houses on private land that the owners have given permission for public access.  Very cool attitude for these land owners, wish more places where like this!

We started the hike by beaching the dinghy at the head of the anchorage on the beach.  We ended tying up to some rocks on the right side of beach since the beach has a very gradual slope so at low tide there is 40-50′ of beach your dinghy can get stranded on.  We walked through the small Outdoor Education Center to the right of the beach to a trail going along Saint Johns Point Road and too a right on High Salal Drive. 

About a half mile down High Salal Drive on the right is the first entrance to 
High Salal Public Trail which runs behind the houses on the cliff.  A little further down is another entrance where the trail moves to in front of the houses directly above the bay.

The view along the trail is spectacular.  The trail  merges with Helliwell Park Trail marked by some park signs when returning back from Helliwell.

Once you get out towards Saint Johns Point it flattens out a bit with nice rocky beaches.

Teakerne Arm To Squirrel Cove Anchorage

August 22 nd To 23 rd

Trip Length 7 nm

Very short trip over to Squirrel Cove Anchorage on Cortes Island where we are hoping that the smoke from BC forest fires may not be as bad.  There are some nice trails in the Von Donop Provincial Park from the Anchorage.

On the way in you pass by the small town Squirrel Cove on your left as you approach the anchorage at the head of the harbour.  Once we entered the anchorage we decided to anchor out in the first main harbour since it was a bit crowded further in.  Note the Trail Start below for the Von Donop Trail, it was a bit hard to find from the water.

Once we anchored we took the dinghy in to Squirrel Cove public dock. The small town has a restaurant and well stocked general store.  Down stairs is a HW Store/chandlery that had a surprising variety of stuff available.  We sat outside at the restaurant and had fish tacos before heading back to the boat.

The next day it took a bit of searching in the dinghy but we finally found the trail head for the Von Donop Trail which is marked with a white bucket filled with rocks.

The trail has been well marked by previous visitors with various items you find on the trees as you proceed.

If you proceed to the head of the trail at the road you will find the small Salmon Facility.  At this point you can walk in to town if you like.

On the way we passed by the Van Donop Anchorage which is accessed through the Ha’thayim (Von Donop) Marine Provincial Park on the north side of Cortez Island.  Was much less crowded there with only two boats present that seemed to be there long term.

Powell River to Grace Harbour Anchorage

August 18th To 20th

Trip length 26 nm

Grace Harbour is our first stop in the BC Desolution Sound Provencial Marine Park system. The park has three main anchorages: Prideaux Haven, Tenedo’s Bay and Grace Harbour.  We plan to visit Grace and Tenedo’s.

See http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/parkpgs/desolation/

This park has long been a boater’s favorite in the Malaspina Inlet and Homfray Channel area.  The warm waters of the park make for great swimming and their are nice hiking trails at the anchorages.

We headed north from Powell River and then took a right at the entrance to Okeover Arm Inlet to Malaspina Inlet where Grace Harbour anchorage is located.

We went to the north east side at the head of Grace Harbour where we anchored in 30′ or so in a nice mud bottom.

Looking West Grace Harbour Anchorage

On the west side of anchorage is a nice dinghy landing spot with a trail to Black Lake.

Terra at Black Lake

It is very evident from all the old equipment found all over these areas that logging was everywhere and old growth forest are just left in small patches  here and there.

Otter Bay To Sidney Spit Anchorage

August 3rd-4th

Gary and Marsha are meeting us in Sidney on the 4 th so we decided to hoist Anchor and go over to Sidney Spit Anchorage for a night. Most boats anchor in near the park dock where it is more protected. After going up looking for a channel in deep enough for Water dog’s 5’3″ draft we chickened out and anchored out tucked up close to the beach on south side out of the prevailing SE winds.  

Sidney Spit Anchorage
Water Dog At Sidney Spit
Sidney Spit Park Dock

Had a nice walk on beach…it got dirty when on the strait of Georgia but was nice and clean facing the spit where we anchored.

You can moor at the main park dock overnight if desire and space available. After beach walk went to the dock. Took a couple mile walk south on island through the trees then back through the campground.

A couple old growth cedars were huge, wonderful tall madrones but the island was logged by a brick company that was present at one point in early century.  Campers would play with some left over bricks on the beach. A few brick structures and cleared depressions were the clay pits.

Had left over crab soup and broccoli for dinner with some mac and cheese. Early to bed.